Our fringe programme offers a mixture of lunchtime sessions that offer you an opportunity to network if you are new to the HA Conference or have a special interest in these areas. Fringe sessions are drop-in and do not need to be booked in advance.
General welcome meeting
The Branches and Members Committee extends a warm welcome to all, especially our general members. Whether you’re a seasoned attendee or stepping into the conference for the first time, join our informal chat and welcome session. The welcome meeting is an open invitation to all members to share a warm beverage with us. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with fellow delegates, as well as members of the Committee. We value the sense of community that comes from these casual conversations at Conference and look forward to engaging and networking with you.
Friday: 08.30–09.00
Friday: 08.30–9.00
If you are a secondary teacher who is new to the Conference, attending on your own or would like some support, join members of the HA Secondary Committee over a hot drink for an informal welcome. Find others new to the Conference and meet committee members who would be happy to introduce you to the HA and everything on offer over the weekend!
Friday & Saturday: 08.30–09.00
Friday: 13.10–13.50
Stealth classics: from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5
Alice Case and Jane Ainsworth
Classics for All
Gráinne Cassidy
The Classical Association
In this session, representatives from the Classical Association and Classics for All will discuss how you can find opportunities to explore the ancient world with your students within your secondary curricula. We will share strategies, resources and case studies that showcase how to include the classical past at Key Stages 3–5, deepening your students’ appreciation for world history and adding breadth to existing schemes of work.
Friday: 13.10–13.50
Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, post-16
Take your students right to the source
Andrea Varney and Helen Ward
British Library
Drop in for a sneak preview of learning resources from the British Library, focusing on migration and the British Empire for Key Stages 3 and 4. Discover fresh sources from the British Library and beyond – some previously unseen – including official records, letters, photographs and newspapers, alongside short films, timelines, teaching enquiries and student activities. Find out how you can access this pilot content from our Discovering Historical Sources website or join our teacher panel.
Friday: 13.10–13.50
Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4
Saturday: 13.10–13.50
Friday: 13.10–13.50
Saturday: 13.10–13.50
The session will explain how this student-led grassroots movement has grown over the last three years and how schools can set up their own Athena Society groups. In this way, teachers can help young people to collaborate on promoting gender equality in a positive way through learning new historical information that helps them to understand where modern political issues stem from.
Saturday: 13.10–13.50
Saturday: 13.10–13.50